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Travel needs to be planned and communicated in advance with the department fiscal staff. All travel receipts should be provided to fiscal staff within 15 days after travel has been concluded and will be reconciled by the department within 30 days of travel.

Financial Services Request Form

Pre-Travel and Obtaining an Event Number

UC San Diego policy requires that all business travel, including employees and guests, is booked in Concur through Concur Travel.  Concur Travel is also available for personal travel. Before booking any travel, your trip should be authorized by the University by creating a trip request. 

The following information is required when creating an event number (trip request) and before you book travel. Incomplete information will delay processing. Please gather the following information and then complete the Financial Services Request Form linked at the top of this page (yellow button)

Dates Actual travel dates to/from San Diego
Origin/ Destination City and State or City and Country – if multiple destinations, please include all locations.
Business Purpose Provide the business purpose of the trip. There should be enough detail to clearly establish the UC San Diego business purpose for the trip connected to the traveler and the traveler type. Do not use acronyms. (eg presenting paper entitled “ XYZ” at American Sociological Association Conference, conducting field research for XYZ, invited guest speaker at XYZ on ABC topic, etc.)
Total Estimated Expenses Please provide the total estimated cost for the trip including any Lodging, Ground transportation, Registration (if any), Meals and Incidentals, etc.
Fund Source(s) Please provide project/fund source to be liened/reimbursed on. If multiple please provide estimates on each source. If you are unsure which funding source(s) you have or how much funding you have available to you, please indicate that you need this information provided to you and give additional time for staff to email back-and-forth with you as needed.
Supporting Documentation

Where possible, please include any documentation of the trip, such as an agenda, conference brochure/schedule, or invitation letter/email. This can be an attachment or link to the webage.

Students: Please also submit the required form outlined in Student Travel below.

Set Up Concur Delegate

To have staff complete financial entries on your behalf, please follow these steps to assign them as your delegate in Concur. Concur is the campus system for processing travel and reimbursements of any kind. 

  1. Log in to Concur
  2. Click 'profile' in the top right corner
  3. Click 'Expense Delegates'
  4. Select ‘add’ and enter the email 
  5. Select the checkboxes (do not check, Receives Emails for Approver)
  6. Save

Booking Airfare

It is possible for department fiscal staff to book airfare on behalf of a traveller for those who desire this. To do this, gather the full trip details and payment method then complete the Financial Services Request Form linked at the top of this page (yellow button).

For those booking their own airfare:

  • Book airfaire from the Concur home page. Your travel profile in Concur should be completed in profile settings before booking travel. Additional booking guidance can be found here
  • Airfare is highly recommended to be purchased through Balboa Travel Agency in your Concur profile or by calling (858) 678-3752.
  • Since Concur is only accessible for UC employees, business travel for non emplyee guests (Colloquium, event guest speakers, ect) will be set up in Concur with the assistance of the department fiscal staff. A guest can book business travel directly with Balboa Travel after initially contacting the staff.
  • When booking business travel through Concur, you are automatically enrolled in UC’s traveler insurance program, covering a wide range of incidents and accidents across the globe.
  • Information for booking personal travel in Concur can be found here.

Note: Before booking airfare for business travel, you must have a trip request event number following preauthorization requirements

Exceptions to Coach or Economy Airfare

Coach fare or the equivalent should be used whenever available and practical. Reimbursement will be based on the actual fare. 


  • Business and first class airfare is allowed only under the following conditions when:
    • Business or first-class service is the only service offered between two points;
    • Coach class would be more expensive or time consuming (such as when scheduling difficulties would require an unnecessary hotel expense, circuitous routing, or an unduly long layover when making connections);
    • An itinerary involves overnight travel without an opportunity for normal rest before the commencement of working hours
    • A medical need or disability requires accommodation. The need/disability must be certified by a physician and chronic conditions updated annually, except in the case of permanent conditions which require a certification stating such.
    • For additional information please see UCSD's Exceptions to Coach and Economy Class Travel
  • Fees for early check in, priority boarding, or seat selection are reimbursable only when the original ticket is booked in Concur or with the Travel & Entertainment Card and there is no change to the class of travel.  A business purpose for the purchase is required.
  • Consider the fund source. Some fund sources may restrict first class, business, or other higher cost service of travel. In cases where the fund source policy is more restrictive than UC/ UC San Diego policy, the more restrictive policy applies.

Travel Insurance

When travelling for business purposes, it is good practice to have accident insurance established for the duration of travel. For those who book their travel through Concur or Balboa Travel, the insurance is automatically applied. If you book using an external source, you are able to still sign up for travel insurance here.

Rental Car

The rental car receipt must be itemized for reimbursement. In order to ensure policies are followed and UCSD agreements are applied, rentals should be done through Concur travel. Information regarding rental cars for business and personal reasons can be found here.


The information below is for lodging within the Continental U.S. and for travel that last fewer than 30 days. It is possible for staff to book local hotels for guests if desired. It may be possible for staff to book and pre-pay hotel expenses on bahlaf of those traveling out of the San Diego area. This is a lengthy process and must be approved by the participating hotel. 


Staff Booking: 

If you want staff to make hotel arrangements on behalf of yourself or a guest, complete the Financial Services Request Form linked at the top of this page (yellow button).


Traveller Booking:

Before you book a room, find out how to get discounted hotel rates through Concur Travel. Note that:

  • Effective October 15, 2017, the UC maximum lodging rate for reimbursement is $275 before taxes and mandatory hotel fees. You won’t be reimbursed for in-room charges such as gym or movie fees. An expense for lodging within the vicinity of your home or headquarters is generally not eligible for reimbursement unless an early start time is combined with a distance greater than 40 miles from the headquarters or home, whichever is closest. 

Reserve a room using one of these methods:

  • Follow payment instructions using Concur.
  • Use a personal form of payment.

Pay for your hotel using a personal form of payment and requesting reimbursement after your trip.

After your trip, your expenses will be reconciled in Concur:

  • Add Jessica Greenlaw ( as delegate in Concur
  • Complete the Financial Services Request Form linked at the top of this page (yellow button)

Meals for Domestic/Short-term Travel

  • Meal costs can be claimed only for travel longer than 24 hours
  • Claim the actual amount spent up to maximum of $79 per day for trips up to 29 days in the continental U.S.
  • Provide receipts and/or a Travel Log

Per diem for Foreign/Long-term Travel

Per diem is a daily allowance given to employees by the University so that expenses can be covered while travelling for business. To see if your travel qualifies, please visit UCSD's Per Diem For Travel

  • For travel outside the continental U.S., or that lasts 30 days or more, per diem applies.
  • The claim should reflect the traveler's actual costs up to the per diem rate. Although receipts are not required, they are often provided as a way to confirm actual costs. See Per Diem (Travel Allowance). In place of receipts, travelers may instead show bank records with the expenses highlighted (all personal and confidential information will be redacted) or keep a log of expenditures and use it to calculate expenses. A sample log is provided for those wanting to show actual expenses without providing all of the individual receipts. 
  • An exception to per diem when actual expenses exceed per diem and required conditions are met.

If you are traveling to a remote location and/or conducting long-term travel, please reach out to department fiscal staff on setting up a potential cash advance for your trip. Cash Advances may be setup upto 2 weeks in advance of the trip start date and should be reconciled monthly with the trip. A partial cash advance is generally for meals, incidental expenses, and ground transportation. The requested amount must be appropriate for the nature and duration of the travel.

If you have any additional questions on these policies, please contact

Conference Fees

To pay for conference fees, you will use your personal credit card. To do this, provide the card number and ask for a confirmation number. Once the trip had completed you can request reimbursement.

Mileage Only Reimbursement

  • Does not need preauthorization
  • For multiple-trips reimbursement, use a UCSD mileage log (sample mileage log is HERE)
  • For single trips, use Google Maps
  • Effective 07/01/2022 reimbursement rate 62.5 cents per mile for privately owned automobile

Guest Traveler

  • Approved Travel Request is required for guest traveling on UCSD business
  • Any non-Employee must register in PaymentWorks, even if they are not personally receiving a reimbursement, there are no exceptions. Complete the Financial Services Request Form linked at the top of this page (yellow button) with name and email of a Guest Traveler to start the approval process.
  • More information on registering Travelers is HERE
  • Travel must be reconciled within 60 days of the completion. Provide all itemized receipts for reimbursement and reconciliation of a Travel Expense Report.

Student Traveler

Prior to participating in a department-funded trip, complete the UCSD Student Certification for Business-Related Travel form in addition to the requirements outlined in the table above. Be sure to check the first box "Directly supports the faculty/PI project or research program" or the second box "Presenting at a conference." If second box is checked, attach a copy of the program listing your name and UCSD. Obtain your faculty advisor's signature.

If travel is being funded by your departmental research and travel funds, prior to travel please check in with department fiscal staff to learn what is and is not reimburseable. If you do not review the campus policies and/or check-in with department staff, you risk spending inappropriately and not being eligible for reimbursement.

Move & Relocation

Move and Relocation requires a special approval from the department CAO, Chair and Dean's Office. Please contact Jessica at to discuss process and details of your relocation. UCSD Move/Relocation Expenses could be found here.

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