Sign up for our Weekly Newsletter to keep up-to-date with events produce by the Department and other news from our Students, Faculty, and Alumni! Submit items for the newsletter by completing the Submission Form.
Click on News & Events for a list of events produced by the department for the current quarter.
The weekly newsletter promotes the activities of Students, Faculty, and Alumni. Please read the guidelines before completing the form.
- Submission of the form does not guarantee inclusion in the newsletter.
- Events are posted in chronological order with priority given to events produced by the Department of Visual Arts.
- Events are not mentioned more than 3 weeks in advance.
- Exhibitions will generally appear twice before the opening date and again before the closing date.
- Exhibitions do not appear in the newsletter for their duration.
- News items must be submitted by the end of Tuesday in order to appear in the following newsletter, which generally goes out on Wednesday afternoons.
- Calls-for-Art (requests for students to submit art to your show, etc.) are not included in this public newsletter, but will be sent to students internally.
- Mention any special circumstances in the Notes field of the form.
- Add a note if you are a 3rd party submitting on behalf of a UCSD affiliated artist.
- Contact for further questions.