12th Annual Adam D. Kamil Media Awards
Ceremony: May 20, 2022, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Adam D. Kamil Gallery, Mandeville Center, UC San Diego
The Kamil family, Department of Visual Arts, and School of Arts and Humanities at UC San Diego invite you to the 12th Annual Adam D. Kamil Media Awards Ceremony. Please join us for an evening of film and creativity to honor the memory of Adam Douglas Kamil and showcase the talent of undergraduate UC San Diego students.
The Adam D. Kamil Media Awards were developed to help UC San Diego undergraduates polish their skills in film production and to help them realize their creative potential in this field. Adam was a UC San Diego, Visual Arts Media major with a passion for the power of media to connect people. To honor the memory of their son, the Kamil family established the Adam D. Kamil Media Awards. The awards consist of a grand prize of $2,000 and two finalist prizes of $1,000 each. All submissions will be viewable in the Kamil Gallery May 17-20, and in the Kamil Gallery Online. Winners will be announced at the ceremony on May 20th, and the grand prize winning project will be screened. The event will allow time to view works in the gallery, eat, and socialize.
“We hope that through this award, Adam’s creative spirit will inspire others to develop their talents and to grow as sympathetic and sensitive individuals,” stated Elaine Kamil.
All 24 entries can be viewed at https://visarts.ucsd.edu/kamilgallery
Grand Prize Winner:
Girls by Wanqing Jiang
Runners Up:
The General Store by Justin Marquez
The Kettle Overflows Past Midnight by Kristine Nguyen
Honorable Mention:
Lola vs. the Cockalorums by Macey Keung
2022 Kamil Awards Trailers:
Amy Liu "Goodbye Forever"
Angel Mai “Guy”
Chengyu Guo “The Robber(s)”
Danqi Hu “Gonna Be the Same”
David Munoz “Romance, Resistance and COVID-19”
David Quintero “My Film Reel”
David Shi “I Am”
Dingyi Xu “Social Anxiety Disorder 2022”
Frank Floyd "Mark's Story"
Ian Guzman “Smear”
Jaiden Malia "Mango Cherry Episode 2: Sour Grapes"
Jiaze Zou “Cactus”
Justin Marquez "The General Store"
Karen Avila “Congratulations, You Are Now an American Citizen”
Kristine Nguyen "The Kettle Overflows Past Midnight"
Macey Keung “Lola vs. the Cockalorums”
Matthew Stepanek “Falling Once, Falling Every Time”
Michael Li "Autobiography of a Marine"
Sitora Kamil “Nadira Bahtiyar”
Sybil Ge "Aberration"
Wanqing Jiang "Girls"
Yanan Tang "Where Do The Seagulls Come From"
Yiqi Wang “And We Lay on the Beach Until Sunrise”
You You "Lost In Pandemic"