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Maya VanderSchuit



MFA 2019

"We live in a time of iridescence, of scintillation between the virtual and the real—an iridereal perhaps, where surfaces are no longer concretions to be encountered but rather sites of dazzling encounter.” –Tavi Meraud

VanderSchuit’s recent work uses the surfaces of digital video projections and iridescent materials to explore the body’s ontological relationship to real and virtual spaces. The time-based installations juxtapose the real and the virtual by extending screen space into actual space. The installations project videos onto various objects, surfaces, and walls. Many of the works incorporate sculptural elements, thus melding the phenomena of the real with the digital.

Iridescence is an optical phenomenon described by physicists under the term, “thin film interference”. Iridescence is, thus, the interaction of light waves on a surface that creates the effect of multiple colors occurring simultaneously. Iridescence in the video projections presents an artifice of the real. It exists only as an image; the viewer’s eye angle cannot change the color experience. In Iridescence, Intimacies, visual artist Tavi Meraud describes iridescence as a “site of dazzling encounter” in which “a surface begins to emerge” and “a surface surfaces.”

Maya VanderSchuit received her BA from University of San Diego with a double major in Visual Arts and Art History. She exhibited at USD’s Visual Arts Gallery, San Diego Art Institute, and IKO Studios in Los Angeles. Her work has been awarded the SURE Grant and AS Grant.


Digital Iridescence, 2015. Digital video projection, 2:29 minute loop