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Media (VA27)

The Media program is designed for students who want to redefine the possibilities of photography, video, film and sound. The curriculum immerses candidates in the creative world of time-based practices. Based in conceptual and practical production, the program provides historical, social and aesthetic backgrounds for the understanding of modern media, and emphasizes creativity, versatility and intelligence over technical specializations. Media Honors Program available for qualified students.


Major Curriculum Sheet:

Please note, the department is implementing changes to the curriculum, be sure to select the appropriate curriculum sheet below. Contact an academic advisor if you are not sure which version of the curriculum you should follow.

For Students Declared Fall 2021 and Later

For Students Declared Fall 2016 to Spring 2021

Students with the major declared prior to Fall 2016 need to contact an academic advisor for the appropriate curriculum sheet.

What skills will this program teach students?

  • Photography, both still and moving. Analog and Digital.
  • Editing, from beginner to advanced
  • Sound, recording and mixing
  • Basic Script Writing
  • Lighting
  • Production
  • Installation

What is this program preparing students to do after graduation?

Our students have a solid ground in the conceptual, social and historical uses and production of time-based media and photography. They work as artists as well as many go on to work in the film and television industry.

What equipment, software and tools are utilized in this program?

  • All still and moving cameras, both analog and digital
  • Sound recording equipment
  • Lighting and Production equipment
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Protools

What is the difference between this and the Cinematice Arts Major?

Note that the Institute of Arts and Humanities has a Cinematic Arts and Film Studies Major. Please review the document in the link below for information about the differences between the Media Major in this program and the Cinematic Arts Major in the Institute of Arts and Humanities.

Additional information you should know about this program!

We are not a traditional film program. We treat time-based media from the perspective of art production. This means that we encourage creative thinking over mass media dogmas and operate from a critical perspective in relation to form itself. However we do provide state of industry tools for our students to be able to create to the highest standards.

See examples of student projects!

Each year the Department of Visual Arts hosts the Kamil Media Awards thanks to the Kamil Family endowment. During the pandemic, we created the Kamil Gallery Online so that students could share their works with the public during lockdown. All of the submissions from recent years can be seen at the links below.

2022 Kamil Media Awards

2021 Kamil Media Awards

2020 Kamil Media Awards